Configuration description
It is possible to trigger certain actions upon successful or failed provisioning actions:
Example configuration:
{ "Categories":[ { "CategoryName":"Domain", "FailureActionConfiguration":{ "ActionHandlers":[], "TemplateNamePrefix":"DomainNameRegistrationFailureEmail" }, "SuccessActionConfiguration":{ "ActionHandlers":[], "TemplateNamePrefix":"DomainNameRegistrationSuccessEmail" } }, { "CategoryName":"Hosting", "FailureActionConfiguration":null, "SuccessActionConfiguration":{ "ActionHandlers":[ { "ClassName": "Atomia.Billing.Plugins.GenericWorkflowPlugin.EventHandlers.MainSubscriptionProvisionedCustomAction, Atomia.Billing.Plugins.GenericWorkflowPlugin", "Parameters":null } ], "TemplateNamePrefix":"CustomerWelcomeEmail" } }, { "CategoryName":"DNS", "FailureActionConfiguration":null, "SuccessActionConfiguration":{ "ActionHandlers":[ { "ClassName": "Atomia.Billing.Plugins.GenericWorkflowPlugin.EventHandlers.MainSubscriptionProvisionedCustomAction, Atomia.Billing.Plugins.GenericWorkflowPlugin", "Parameters":null } ], "TemplateNamePrefix":"CustomerWelcomeEmail" } } ], "ApplyToSubresellers":true }
- Categories[ ] This is a list of configuration options for different product categories. Every entry is a set of configuration options for subscription provisioning events of a single product category.
- Categories[ ].CategoryName The name of the category the configuration applies to.
- Categories[ ].Filter Gets or sets the filter that determines which subscriptions that should be handled. This setting is optional. Possible values are: null or all: handling all subscriptions – this is the default value and makes the handler. new: only handle new subscriptions. renewalupgradedowngrade: only handle subscriptions in state renewal, upgrade or downgrade.
- Categories[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration This section contains the configuration of handlers – the actions to be taken on successful provisioning.
- Categories[ ].FailureActionConfiguration This section contains the configuration of handlers – the actions to be taken on failure to provision subscription.
- Categories[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.TemplateNamePrefix Using this option you can specify the template for additional notification.
- Categories[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.TemplateNameNewPrefix If this option is set and the subscription that is being handled is new the template name prefix in this setting will be used.
- Categories[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.TemplateNameRenewalUpgradeDowngradePrefix If this option is set and the subscription that is being handled is either a renewal, upgrade or downgrade subscription the template name prefix in this setting will be used.
- InvoiceReminders[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.ActionHandlers[ ] You can invoke several actions on success or failure, which is defined by the entries of this option.
- InvoiceReminders[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.ActionHandlers[ ].ClassName Namespace and the class name of the .Net class which will execute this action.
- InvoiceReminders[ ].SuccessActionConfiguration / FailureActionConfiguration.ActionHandlers[ ].Parameters Parameters to be passed to action class.
- ApplyToSubresellers If set to true and this configuration is reseller specific then it also applies reseller’s sub-resellers.