Atomia Billing Server

Atomia Billing Mail Dispatcher configuration

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NHibernate (database connection) configuration

In order for Mail Dispatcher to work properly, it has to have access to the AtomiaBilling database. Database access is configured in the hibernate-configuration section of the Atomia Billing Mail Dispatcher configuration file (Atomia.Biling.Core.MailDispatcher.config ). The property the should be updated isconnection.connection_string . Its value should contain a proper connection string for the AtomiaBilling database:

<property name="connection.connection_string">
 Server=localhost\MSSQL;Initial Catalog=AtomiaBilling;Integrated Security=True

Here is an example of a complete hibernate-configuration section for the Atomia Billing Mail Dispatcher:

<!-- NHibernate configuration -->
<hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2">
   <property name="connection.provider">
   <property name="dialect">
   <property name="connection.driver_class">
   <property name="command_timeout">
   <property name="connection.connection_string">
     Server=localhost\MSSQL;Initial Catalog=AtomiaBilling;Integrated Security=True
   <property name="cache.provider_class">
   <property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">
   <property name="proxyfactory.factory_class">
     NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle

Application configuration

The configuration for the Atomia Billing Mail Dispatcher is placed into the mailDispatcherConfiguration section of the application configuration. Here is a complete list of configuration properties:

  • TimerInterval – interval (in seconds) for checking whether there are unsent messages in the queue.
  • mailPlugin element:
    • fullClassName – fully qualified type name of the plug-in used for sending e-mail messages
    • host – hostname of the mail server
    • port – port number for the SMTP service on the mail server
    • username – username for logging into the mail server
    • password – password for logging into the mail server
    • ssl – value indicating whether to use SSL or not (true or false)
    • dispatcherEmailAddress – sender e-mail address
    • dispatcherReplyToEmailAddress – reply-to e-mail address for outgoing messages
    • bccEmailAddressesList – list of the comma-separated e-mail addresses that receive a blind carbon copy of all outgoing messages
    • useResellerDispatcherEmailAddresses – dispatcher email address and dispatcher reply-to email address from reseller configuration in AtomiaBilling database
  • SMSPlugin element
    • fullClassName – fully qualified type name of plug-in used for sending SMS messages.
    • url – url of the service used for sending of SMS mesages
    • username – username for logging into the SMS service
    • password – password for logging into the SMS service
    • originatorType – type of the originator (numeric or alpha)
    • originator – sender identification

Here is an example of the Atomia.Biling.Core.MailDispatcher.Properties.Settings section for Atomia Billing Mail Dispatcher:

<mailDispatcherConfiguration xmlns="" timerInterval="30">
 <mailPlugin fullClassName="Atomia.Billing.Plugins.MessagingPlugins.Email.MailSenderSmtpPlugin, Atomia.Billing.Plugins.MessagingPlugins.Email"
   host="" port="28" username="foobar"
   password="********" ssl="true"
   dispatcherEmailAddress="[email protected]"
   dispatcherReplyToEmailAddress="[email protected]"
   useResellerDispatcherEmailAddresses="false" />
 <smsPlugin fullClassName="Atomia.Billing.Plugins.MessagingPlugins.Sms.SmsSenderCellsyntPlugin, Atomia.Billing.Plugins.MessagingPlugins.Sms"
   url="" username="foobar" password="********"
   originatorType="alpha" originator="FooBar" />

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