Atomia Cloud Hosting Platform

23.8 Stable Release (September 2023)

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Some highlights of the 23.8 release are:

  • Suspending DNS zones. A new feature has been implemented for suspending DNS zones. When a DNS zone is suspended, its DNS records are disabled. This feature allows disabling all DNS zones within a hosting package when the hosting package is suspended. Learn more.
  • SQL Server compatibility level. Added the capability to configure the SQL Server compatibility level in Atomia. This option is necessary when upgrading to a new version of SQL Server that requires a different compatibility level. Learn more
  • BCP performance improvement. Improved the loading time of BCP pages for customers with a large number of extra services, as well as the loading time of the subscriptions page.
  • Atomia DNS support for PowerDNS 4.7.This release introduces support for PowerDNS 4.7. Along with previous releases, Atomia DNS now offers out-of-the-box support for RHEL 8 and Ubuntu 20.04. For additional information about RHEL 8 support, please view detailed documentation.

Software Versions

The 23.8 release consists of the software versions listed below. Please note that you should always use the latest version available at the stable package repository to make sure you get the latest security and stability updates.

  • Atomia Action Trail: 23.8.8612.21887
  • Atomia Admin Panel: 23.8.8612.23629
  • Atomia Automation Server: 23.8.8612.24914
  • Atomia Automation Server Client: 23.8.8612.24916
  • Atomia Billing API: 23.8.8612.24673
  • Atomia Billing Customer Panel: 23.8.8612.23628
  • Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules: 23.8.8612.26803
  • Atomia GDPR Web API: 23.8.8613.20116
  • Atomia Hosting Control Panel: 23.8.8612.23624
  • Atomia Identity: 23.8.8612.25703
  • Atomia Store: 23.8.8612.19808
  • Atomia Setup Tools: 23.8.8612.26803
  • Atomia DNS: 1.1.60

The full changelog for the 23.8 release can be seen here.


This release also includes two changes that are not backward compatible:

  • SPF DNS record type – The DNS editor page no longer displays the SPF record type, as it is obsolete. To display the SPF record type again, open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\bin\Atomia.Web.Plugin.Domains.dll.config and remove the SPF record from the ExcludeDNSTypes list.
  • Subscriptions count – The Subscriptions page in BCP no longer preloads and displays the subscription counts for all tabs. Now, the page only displays the subscription count for a tab when that tab is selected. To revert to the previous behavior, edit the following file:C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingCustomerPanel\bin\Atomia.Web.Plugin.BillingCustomerPanel.MySubscriptions.dll.config and change the setting showCountOnTab value from false to true.

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