[IMPROVEMENT] Created test module for Installatron.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve returning list of Installatron applications with there php requirements.
[FIX] Improve notifications when updating php version for website on AppInstaller page.
[FIX] Fix using wrong Newtonsoft.Json version.
[FIX] Fix missing default value for Installatron service.
[FIX] Added overrides for Expiration Offset on domain renewal
Atomia Store 18.10.6936.27226
[FIX] Long dash replacement with hyphen for BCP on Customer page.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.6961.25784
[FIX] Fixed date range selection for Resellers report on Admin page.
[FIX] Added missing info on ViewProduct page. Disabled product editing for a reseller that has CanDefineOwnProducts set to false.
[FIX] Fixed no error information when invoice editing fails because of data validation.
[FIX] Fixed missing Edit invoice option on Customer card and on invoice Preview page.
[FIX] Fixed missing link for Renewal and Extend subscriptions.
[FIX] Fixed date range selection for Resellers report on Admin page.
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.6961.25776
[ADD] Added missing email validation on Add/Edit Cron Tasks page.
[FIX] HCP/BCP meter is no longer showing empty meter tray.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added message with instructions for reverse zone addition, when global limitations prevent the addition of another reverse zone.
[FIX] Fixed front-end validation for TNAPI email account password.
[FIX] Fix reverse zone preselection bug.
[IMPROVEMENT] GUI improvement on reverse zone page.
[IMPROVEMENT] Change Mail Forwarding tab on Email Account Edit page, to list email addresses to whom are emails forwarder from currently edited email account.
[FIX] Fixed updating Meter when adding or removing reverse zones.
[FIX] Fixed showing website name on password protection page.
[FIX] Add IDN validation for hostname for PTR record.
[FIX] Fixed validation messages and fields after canceling request.
[FIX] Fixed sorting on Accounts page in HCP.
[FIX] Fixed password protection edit in French language
[ADD] Added email validation on Add/Edit Cron Tasks page.
[FIX] Changed validation message for hostname on add/edit PTR record page.
[FIX] Fixed email validation for email forwarding.
[FIX] Fixed validation messages and fields after canceling request.
[FIX] Fixed password validation for TNAPI, when crypt password setting is set to true.
Atomia Customer Panel 18.10.6961.25783
[FIX] Fixed language reload on BCP when it’s changed from HCP and language switcher is enabled
[FIX] HCP/BCP meter is no longer showing empty meter tray.
[FIX] Removed unnecessary data table from Domain Transfer page and replaced it with form row.
[FIX] Fixed wildcard SSL support.
Atomia Billing API 18.10.6961.20358
[FIX] Fixed enabling/disabling “Can define own prices” option on resellers.
[IMPROVEMENT] All events from AtomiaBillingApi and AtomiaBillingApiPayment which is a partial class of BillingApi are moved in EventContainer to be able to fire an event from all parts of the code.
[ADD] Added LoadPlugin and RemovePlugin methods which Add/Remove a plugin from the cache. They are used for enabling/disabling plugin automatically if it is turned on/off or its configuration was updated.
[ADD] Added test for those functions.
[ADD] Added implementation of IDisposable for plugins which add events to be able to release their events.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved “Invoice PDF” template.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added configuration to allow matching of overpaid invoices.
[IMPROVEMENT] Order invoice lines on invoice template.
[FIX] Fixed sending an email notification when a manually provisioned product is deleted.
[FIX] Fixed multiple overridden prices on renewed subscriptions.
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.6961.23827
[IMPROVEMENT] Added possibility to define counters for different volume types in VDC when OpenStack is used with gnocchi.
[FIX] Fixed collecting VDC usage for counters without any usage.
Atomia GDPR 18.10.6961.24862
[NEW] Added scripts for 2-level search per Personal ID.
[FIX] Modified store procedure to return corresponding data.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.6975.17849
[IMPROVEMENT] Added cancel button on configure plugin configuration page.
[IMPROVEMENT] Add new page for handling Dynamic resources for MsCSP module.
[FIX] Fixed sorting on some pages in Admin panel.
[FIX] Fixed sorting by Customer on Payments page.
Atomia Customer Panel 18.10.6975.17847
[FIX] Fixed showing quantity of products in cart for seat-based subscriptions.
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.6975.17840
[IMPROVEMENT] Add customer friendly error messages when limits are exceeded on Website Add page.
[FIX] Fixed width of modal dialogs.
[FIX] Fixed and updated css for modal dialogs.
[FIX] Fixed advanced type record preselection.
Atomia Automation Server 18.10.6975.18414
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve resource description to have an option to use dynamic properties from database instead of the default ones.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added API calls for handling Resource Descriptions.
[FIX] Fix not returning resource with overrided properties.
Atomia Billing API 18.10.6975.17989
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve Azure schedule tasks to use dynamic resource properties and changed authorizing request to Microsoft to use refresh token instead of username/password.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved Transfer Out Notification Scheduled Event Handler Performance
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved searching users in PostgreSql
[FIX] Fix invoices not showing in BCP if payment transaction doesn’t exists.
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.6975.18098
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve authorizing request for MsCSP to use refresh token instead of username/password.
Atomia Store 18.10.6970.26863
[IMPROVEMENT] Added different validation rule for company number.
Atomia Domain Registration 1.1.209
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved GDPR mailer, added possibility for configure an attachment for a mail.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved DomainRedemptionRestore for Hexonet plugin
[IMPROVEMENT] Synchronized contact policy with NIC.AT
[FIX] Added encode of pg password to be able to use special characters in it.
[FIX] Fixed transfer for .EU for Hexonet plugin
[FIX] Fixed NameBay transfer for FR domains.
[FIX] – Fixed creating DS records
[FIX] Changed how host objects are handled in AFNIC
Atomia Net-DRI 0.96-64atomia
[FIX] Fixed EURid EPP connection issues
Atomia DNS 1.1.47
[ADD] Added support for ECDSA256 and ECDSA384 algorithms for DNSSEC.
[FIX] Fixed cryptokeys view in powerdns database.
[FIX] Added an option to skip DB ping
[IMPROVEMENT] – AtomiaDNS webapp
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.6995.28808
[IMPROVEMENT] – Extended DomainRedemptionRestore function’s parameters with contactids.
[FIX] – Fixed OpenStack with gnocchi not collecting metrics usage when a number of metrics in a project is higher then 1000.
Atomia Billing API 18.10.6995.29329
[FIX] Fixed task UsageDataScheaduledEventHandler not executing completely.
Atomia Identity 18.10.6996.15692
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
[FIX] Fixed case sensitive login authentication on login page.
Atomia Store 18.10.6996.17562
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
Atomia GDPR 18.10.6996.22108
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.6996.21459
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
[FIX] Fixed list in picker for Parent reseller.
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.6996.21449
[IMPROVEMENT] – Improved HCP performance
[IMPROVEMENT] Added support for Office365 domains in DNS editor.
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
[IMPROVEMENT] Add support for database admin tools, so that web admin tool URL and database hostname can be fetched in a different manner depending on configuration and service definition.
[FIX] Fix reverse zone page translation bugs.
[FIX] Fix swedish translations for reverse zone page.
[FIX] Fixed Password protection title field validation.
[FIX] Fixed HCP to open Exported zone in a new tab.
[FIX] Fixed sorting by last change on FTP page.
[FIX] Fixed displaying sensitive data in Audit logs for add/edit email.
Atomia Customer Panel 18.10.6996.21457
[IMPROVEMENT] Add an option to change account language from BCP
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed headers from HTTPS response.
Atomia Automation Server Cmd Client 18.10.1
[FIX] – Fixed encoding ASCII characters
Atomia Cron Agent 18.10.1
[FIX] Fixed add/edit cron job.
Atomia Apache Agent 18.10.1
[ADD] Added piece of code for removing “init_parameters”.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.7020.29009
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved security between Admin Panel and GDPR API.
[IMPROVEMENT] Upgrade jQuery version on 3.3.1 (Last version).
[IMPROVEMENT] Add translations for new Storage Quota template.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added links to GDPR results.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added link to product at article number.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added link to customer at Edit subscription page.
[FIX] Fixed favicon not present on AdminPanel, HCP and BCP.
[FIX] Fix reverse zone tile display.
[FIX] Fix general reports sorting issue
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.7020.28999
[IMPROVEMENT] Added support for choosing notification email.
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve displaying storage usage in HCP.
[FIX] Fixed favicon not present on AdminPanel, HCP and BCP.
[FIX] Actions buttons on Statistics page are moved, first column on the Users tab that is removed.
[FIX] Added new regex for customer fields validation.
[FIX] Change reverted regarding company number regex.
[FIX] Fixed issue with changing packages in HCP and BCP.
Atomia Customer Panel 18.10.7020.29007
[FIX] Fixed favicon not present on AdminPanel, HCP and BCP.
[FIX] Fixed issue with changing packages in HCP and BCP.
Atomia GDPR 18.10.7022.25725
[IMPROVEMENT] Enabled basic authentication on GDPR API.
[IMPROVEMENT] Removed extra fetching and duplicated records.
[FIX] Fixed authentication for empty credentials.
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.7020.29683
[NEW] Added support for mail storage cleanup.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added new module for Quota agent.
[FIX] Fixed wrong VDC usage collecting.
[FIX] Fixed Security is shown when limit is not set.
Atomia Billing API 18.10.7020.30354
[NEW] Added new ProvisioningRenewal Scheduled Task with better performance.
[IMPROVEMENT] Invoice will be created if order is paid and periodic invoicing is turned on
[FIX] Fixed finishing payments for Dibs plugin.
[FIX] Fixed order price calculation for subscription upgrade when a campaign is applied.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added new schedule task for sending email notification to customers which package storage is exceeding some defined percentage that is set in plugin configuration.
Atomia Automation Server 18.10.7020.30308
[IMPROVEMENT] Added new function in NativeAPI for fetching services by greater property values than provided.
[FIX] Fix wrong compare of property values for ListLogicalServicesByNameAndGreaterPropertyValue function.
Atomia Store 18.10.7020.30462
[FIX] Fixed CVC/CVV validation on Store.
[FIX] Added new regex for customer fields validation.
[FIX] Change reverted regarding company number regex.
Atomia Identity 18.10.7020.30879
[FIX] Fixed favicon not present on login page.
Atomia Quota Agent 18.10.1
[NEW] Added new quota agent API calls for fetching and adding usage and for parsing quota reports and inserting them in to the database.
[NEW] Added package for QuotaAgent.
[FIX] Changed MySQL dependency for QuotaAgent.
Atomia SSL Redirect Agent 18.10.1
[NEW] Enforce SSL and www
Atomia GDPR Mail Storage Cleanup Agent 18.10.1
[NEW] Added scripts for mail storage cleanup.
Atomia File System Agent 18.10.1
[IMPROVEMENT] Added privilege check for file read operation when file content should be copied.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.7026.39176
[FIX] Add missing column for proforma invoices tab.
[FIX] Fix error for icon fetch on invoice add/edit page.
[FIX] Fix console error on campaign add/edit page.
[FIX] Fix error on external user add.
[FIX] Fix redirection after reseller is edited.
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.7026.39167
[FIX] Fix PostgreSQL users search.
[FIX] Fix error message for adding password protection for the folder that already has it.
[FIX] Fix validation message removal when the form is hidden and then shown cleared again.
Atomia Customer Panel 18.10.7026.39174
[IMPROVEMENT] Changed description text to be more precise about what will be affected by changing the language for the user.
[FIX] Fix downgrade button visibility when downgrade/upgrade is not possible.
[FIX] Fix description for user language in Swedish.
Atomia Store 18.10.7026.38917
[FIX] Fix harcoded string for ToS confirmation.
[FIX] Fix error message prefix for ID number.
Atomia Domain Registration 1.1.210
[IMPROVEMENT] German letter transliteration can configured through configuration.
[FIX] Sync domain’s expiration date after DomainInfo for NameBay plugin.
[FIX] Fixed parsing for PeriodicSync from offline CSV file.
[FIX] Skipped DomainForceLock when property thin_registry is set to 0.
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.7032.20559
[FIX] Added CloudLinux module to the Setup project correctly
[FIX] Fixed displaying list of installations in Installatron
Atomia Hosting Control Panel 18.10.7041.25939
[IMPROVEMENT] Added support to change default language.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added patchman policy info section.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added Italian language for the notifications.
[NEW] Added presentation of incoming upgrade for Patchman.
[FIX] Fix DNS page breaking down after deleting website.
[FIX] Fixed not passing is owner value when user for MSSQL database is created.
[FIX] Fixed error occurring when package doesn’t have CsBase.
[FIX] Fix domain search for DomainManager.
[FIX] Added missing translations.
[FIX] Fix domain search error on DomainManager page.
[FIX] Modified security helper to use user language.
[FIX] Took tag content into consideration when umlaut search is performed on Domain Manager page.
[FIX] Added missing translations for the Security card.
[FIX] Security issue with Microsoft exchange email.
[FIX] Fix not matching css on Backups page in HCP.
Atomia Admin Panel 18.10.7041.25948
[IMPROVEMENT] Added possibility to save zero for invoice payment period.
[IMPROVEMENT] Invoice payment period field is showing correct value now.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added whitespace warning on Edit Subscription page
[NEW] Added option to download invoices in the UBL format that is used for eInvoicing.
[FIX] Invoice due date set to zero.
Atomia Billing Customer Panel 18.10.7041.25946
[FIX] Enabled markdown on all customer facing GUI’s
Atomia Billing API 18.10.7041.26149
[NEW] Added methods for exporting invoice in the UBL syntax.
[FIX] Fix not sorting subscriptions by renewal date correctly.
[FIX] Fixed invoice due date calculation so it takes into consideration InvoicePaymentPeriod set for the customer.
[FIX] Fixed difference in usage for VDC.
[FIX] Fixed invoice due date calculation in case customer’s invoice due date is set to 0.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added duplication of products on admin panel products page.
[FIX] Fixed missing column name on journal reports page.
[FIX] Adding reseller prices on the product page.
[FIX] Fixed rendering of page for adding users when adding user fails.
[FIX] Add missing template option for Add/Edit template in Admin Panel.
Atomia Cloud Hosting Modules 18.10.7209.19927
[IMPROVEMENT] Improve Installatron module to have periodic sync. Note: in case you need to do a revert after this improvement was already in use, you will need to do some cleaning in the database. Some SQL query like this one can be used: delete from AtomiaProvisioning2..params where
fk_sid in (select service_id from AtomiaProvisioning2..ucp_services
where name='PackageInstalled') and param_name in ('Status',
'BackupStatus'); delete from AtomiaProvisioning2..params where
fk_sid in (select service_id from AtomiaProvisioning2..ucp_services
where name='PackageBackup') and param_name='Status';