This is the complete list of features supported in version 15.3 of Atomia. The list is sorted by Openstack/Atomia component.
Atomia Automation Server
- It is now possible to exlude quotas if needed. For example when not using Neutron.
Atomia Billing
- More usage based counters added. In addition to VPS instance hours we now support volumes, bandwidth and snapshots.
- You can now choose to only charge for actual usage of an VPS instance (don’t charge if it is shut down).
- The usage based invoice handler is now integrated with the generic workflow making it easier to configure.
Atomia Hosting Control Panel
- Configuration switch added that will disable usage based billing and adjust options available to fit in a subscription based model.
- You can now resize instances without reinstalling the whole machine, meaning that all parameters such as ip and mac addresses are kept.
- Adding and removing security groups from a created instance is now supported.
- The reinstall action now works asynchronous.
- Meters have been added to show current usage and maximum quota of cloud services.
- If trying to delete a volume that has dependant snapshots a message will be shown telling you to delete the snapshots first.
- Snapshots has been given it’s own view in addition to the nested volume view.
- It is now possible to set passwords for Windows instances by using cloudbase init.
- You can now specify a description for a snapshot.
- Bulk actions in VPS manager has been fixed.
- The ssh tabs now fetches user name from config instead of showing just “root”.
- Link added to show a full screen console.
Atomia OpenStack Module
- It is now possible to reset password for a Virtual machine.
- Support for expanding volumes added.
- Rebuild instance functionality has been improved to use OpenStack api methods.
- Volumes can now be created in different tiers making it possible to have several types of storage backends with different prices.
- Support resize of instances which has mapped cinder volumes as root disks.
- You can now specify more networks to provision at creation time.