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Installing the File System Agent.

Before you begin

The Atomia File System Agent is part of the Atomia agents package. You should start by reading the general package overview and instructions here.

Pre-installation actions

The agent doesn’t require anything special before the installation.

Post-installation actions

In order to properly function, the agent must use root Linux user. So, the first thing to change is the default agent user in the /etc/atomia/config. Open the file and replace atomia-agent with root.

Keep in mind

The default agent user change will force usage of the root Linux user for all agents installed on the server.

One more thing to do is to create and set up the agent’s configuration file. Start by copying the example config file:

sudo cp /etc/atomia/filesystem-agent.json.example /etc/atomia/filesystem-agent.json

Edit new copy and change some default properties if needed.

Example file and what each option means:

    "auth": {
    "port": 7356,
    "host": "",
    "log_path": "/var/log/atomia/filesystem-agent.log",
    "user_root_folders_pattern":["^/?[0-9][0-9]/([0-9]{6,})", "^/?ssl/([0-9]{6,}).*$"],
    "parent_accounts": "100000",
    "additional_group": 33,
    "list_symbolic_links": 0,
    "rsync_delete_enabled": false,
    "rsync_delete_speed_in_kbs": 1000
Option Meaning
auth Basic access authentication (username and password) for the Atomia File System agent. Without these fields, the client won’t be able to use the File System agent.
port Port of the File System Agent REST API.
host The IP address of the machine which gonna be used for listening by the File System agent.
log_path The file where should File System agent log info and error messages.
content_path The root path where web content is stored
mail_content_path The root path where mail content is stored
backup_path The path where the backup is stored
parent_root_folders_pattern Check for root folder parent pattern
user_root_folders_pattern Check for valid user folder pattern and stores to $1 UID
arbitrary_root_folders_pattern Legacy config option that existed in the old File System Agent – probably obsolete
parent_accounts Parent account UID
additional_group Parent user account group number used for some operations where UID is fetched from the path and this is GID
list_symbolic_links Show/hide symbolic links [obsolete]
interval Interval for cleanup
rsync_delete_enabled Should the cleanup be performed with rsync or recursively (default)
rsync_delete_speed_in_kbs How fast you want to delete folders – 0 means unlimited (default).

Changes in the Automation Server

In order to connect the File system agent with the Atomia provisioning module, the Resource file should be updated on the server where Atomia Automation Server is installed.

Resource description

Make sure you have the following resource in the resource file (C:Program Files (x86)AtomiaAutomationServerCommonResources.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resourceDescription xmlns:xdt="">
            <module name="Atomia.Provisioning.Modules.FileSystem.FileSystem" resourceAsignmentPolicy="RoundRobin" />
            <resource name="FileSystemAgent">
                <property name="URL"></property>
                <property name="Username">someauthusername</property>
                <property name="Password">someauthpassword</property>
                <property name="DeleteMailStoragePath">/mailfolder</property>
                <property name="DeleteWebStorage">true</property>
                <property name="DeleteMailStorage">false</property>

In the transformation file example above, the URL property should match exactly the host and port properties in the filesystem-agent.json file (as defined in the example at the beginning of this section). Also, the Username and Password properties should be equivalent to the corresponding fields in the auth section of the same config file. For more details about the resource properties, check the Administrator’s guide.

Running the service

systemctl start atomia-filesystem-agent

To start the cleanup (deleted files) process run:

systemctl start atomia-filesystem-daemon


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