Atomia Domain Registration

TLD configuration examples

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.at through the AT plugin

        name            = at
        registry_type   = at_epp

        supports_poll   = 1
        supports_dnssec = 1
        autorenew       = 1

        initial_years = 1

        epp_hostname    =
        epp_port        = 700
        epp_username    = EPP_USER
        epp_password    = EPP_PASS
        epp_timeout     = 10
        dri_driver      = AT

        default_idn_language = sv
        contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1
        transliterate_contact = 1
        domain_no_authinfo = 1

        # If the following property is set to 1, then DomainReg will call DomainRemove method instead of DomainRelease method. 
        always_use_domain_remove_on_expire = 0

                state = N/A
                fax = +46.21123456 

                process_name = .AT OTE interactive 
                ratelimit = 0 
                handles interactive
                handles registration
                handles renewal
                handles periodic

.com through the CORE plugin

        name            = com
        registry_type   = core_gw02

        supports_poll   = 1
        autorenew       = 1

        default_idn_language    = sv

        core_member_id          = CORE-MEMBER-ID
        core_all_time_password  = ALL-TIME-PASSWORD
        core_gateway_uri        =
        core_gateway_timeout    = 19

                process_name    = .COM registration
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal

.blog through the CORE plugin

        name = blog
        registry_type = core_gw02
        autorenew = 1
        type_specific_contacts = 1
        core_member_id = ********
        core_all_time_password = ********
        core_gateway_uri =
        core_gateway_timeout = 5
        core_eu_registrar_identification = RNDA
        set_registrant_verification_override = 0 # .eu needs this to be set to zero 

        # The following two options are required for TLDs: .blog, .space .store .site .online .tech .website .wiki,.work.

        # The maximum amount of currency units to be paid for the operation. If this amount is exceeded by the actual costs, the request is rejected. If this field is specified, 
        # core_price_limit_currency must be specified as well. 
        core_price_limit_value = 30.00

        # The currency used to specify the maximum price to be paid for the operation. If the currency does not match the currency in which the actual costs are calculated, the request 
        # may be rejected if a currency conversion is unavailable. If this field is specified, core_price_limit_value must be specified as well. 
        core_price_limit_currency = USD

                process_name = .BLOG .SITE Core registration
                ratelimit = 0
                handles interactive
                handles registration
                handles renewal

.com through the EPP plugin

        name            = com
        registry_type   = epp

        supports_poll   = 1
        supports_dnssec = 1
        secdns_version  = 1.1
        autorenew       = 1
        thin_registry   = 1

        initial_years = 1

        epp_hostname    = EPP_HOSTNAME
        epp_username    = EPP_USERNAME
        epp_password    = EPP_PASSWORD
        epp_port        = 700
        epp_timeout     = 10
        epp_ssl_keyfile = /etc/com_key.pem
        epp_ssl_certfile = /etc/com_combined.pem
        dri_driver      = VNDS

        default_idn_language = swe

                state   = N/A
                fax     = +46.21123456

                process_name    = .COM interactive
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal
                handles         periodic

.com through the Joker plugin

        name            = com
        registry_type   = joker

        joker_username = joker_username
        joker_password = joker_password
        joker_timeout = 60
        joker_uri =

        joker_domain-privacy-order_repeat = 0

        joker_domain-renew_sleep = 10
        joker_domain-renew_repeat = 6

        periodic_registry_plugin_task = 1

                process_name    = .COM Joker registration
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal
                handles         periodic

.nl through the NL plugin

        name            = nl
        registry_type   = nl_epp

        supports_poll   = 1
        supports_dnssec = 1
        autorenew       = 1

        initial_years = 1

        epp_hostname    =
        epp_port        = 700
        epp_username    = EPP_USER
        epp_password    = EPP_PASS
        epp_timeout     = 10
        dri_driver      = SIDN

        default_idn_language = sv
	contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1

                state   = N/A
                fax     = +46.21123456

                process_name    = .NL OTE interactive
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal
                handles         periodic

.no through the NO plugin

#Config example when renewals are sent from domainreg to Norid (Norid doesn't do automatic renewing).
	name            = no
	registry_type   = no_epp

	initial_years = 1

	epp_hostname    =
	epp_port        = 700
	epp_username    = <your_username>
	epp_password    = <your_password>
	epp_timeout     = 10
	dri_driver      = NO

	default_idn_language = no

	type_specific_contacts = 1
	periodic_registry_plugin_task = 1

		process_name    = .NO OTE interactive
		ratelimit       = 0
		handles         interactive
		handles         registration
		handles         renewal
		handles         periodic

# Config example when Norid does automatic renewing. 
# This configuration tells domainreg to only renew domains locally since Norid will do the actual renewals.
# Important thing here to note is:
#	autoexpire_offset_days = 0
#	renew_domains_locally = 1
# Config option renew_domains_locally = 1 tells domainreg to renew domains locally.
# Config option autoexpire_offset_days = 0 is also important 
# because it tells domainreg when to send expire command, 
# if domainreg doesn't receive renew command (when renewal invoice is not paid, for example).
# If value set for autoexpire_offset_days is 0, then expiring of domain will be done on expire date.
# If this value is bigger than 0, then expiring will be done that amount of days after expire date.
# If it's less than 0, then it will be done that amount of days before expire date.
	name            = no
	registry_type   = no_epp

	initial_years = 1

	autoexpire_offset_days = 0
	renew_domains_locally = 1
	epp_hostname    =
	epp_port        = 700
	epp_username    = <your_username>
	epp_password    = <your_password>
	epp_timeout     = 10
	dri_driver      = NO

	default_idn_language = no

	type_specific_contacts = 1
	periodic_registry_plugin_task = 1

		process_name    = .NO OTE interactive
		ratelimit       = 0
		handles         interactive
		handles         registration
		handles         renewal
		handles         periodic

.nu through the NU plugin

        name            = nu
        registry_type   = nu_epp

        supports_poll   = 1
        supports_dnssec = 1
        autorenew       = 1

        supports_sync   = 1
        sync_web_auth_url =
        sync_web_auth_user = WEBUSER
        sync_web_auth_pass = WEBPASS
        sync_web_export_url =

	epp_hostname    =
	epp_username    = EPP_USER
	epp_password    = EPP_PASS
        epp_ssl_keyfile = /etc/se_key.pem
        epp_ssl_certfile = /etc/se_cert.pem

	use_free_shtml	= 1
	free_shtml_url =

        epp_login_service_filter = (urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:(domain|contact|host|secDNS)-1.0|urn:se:iis:xml:epp:iis-1.2)

                iis_extension_version = 1.2

	epp_port        = 700
        epp_timeout     = 10

        dri_driver      = NU

                process_name    = .NU interactive
                ratelimit       = 600
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal
                handles         periodic
                handles         local

.com through the OpenSRS plugin

        name            = com
        registry_type   = opensrs

        supports_poll   = 0
        autorenew       = 1

        dri_timeout     = 10
        dri_remote_url  =
        dri_username    = OpenSRS_USER
        dri_password    = OpenSRS_PASS

        dri_driver      = OpenSRS
        transliterate_contact = 1
        transfer_include_contacts = 1
        opensrs_bypass_confirm = 1
	opensrs_fast_lookup_timeout = 60

        # if the option 'opensrs_get_auth_code' is set to 1 then auth code will be directly obtained from OpenSRS.
        # Otherwise, if this option is set to 0 or does not exist, the auth code will be sent to the admin contact.
        # If you want to use this option, set it in the global configuration.
        # opensrs_get_auth_code = 0

        # Force modify_trade_lock_setting prior to DomainUpdateContacts call to OpenSRS. 
        # If it is set 0, then it indicates that the Current Registrant has explicitly opted
        # out of applying the 60-day inter-registrar transfer lock for this domain name.
        # If it is set 1, then it indicates that a 60-day inter-registrar transfer lock will
        # be applied to the domain name after successful completion of a Change of 
        # Registrant process. This is the default option on OpenSRS side.
        # modify_trade_lock_setting = 0

        # Required for premium domain renewals.
        # This option adds the premium domain price in the renew request that is sent to OpenSRS
        # which then verifies that it is the same as the Tucows list price. If the price is not the 
        # same, then the command will fail.
        # Allowed value is the price for the premium domain, in the format nnn.nn.
        # premium_price_to_verify = 12.00

                opensrs_use_cookie = 0

                state   = N/A
                fax     = +46.21123456

                process_name    = .COM registration
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         interactive
                handles         registration
                handles         renewal

        map_domainsearch_to = com
</tld> through the Openprovider plugin


        name = uk
        name =
        registry_type = openprovider
        supports_poll = 0
        dri_timeout = 60
        dri_remote_url =
        dri_username = *****
        dri_password = ********
        dri_driver = Openprovider
        global_contact_authinfo =
        contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1
        transfer_include_contacts = 1
        periodic_registry_plugin_task = 0
        initial_years = 1
        domain_create_no_authinfo = 1
               process_name = .CO_UK OP registration
               ratelimit = 0
               handles interactive
               handles registration
               handles renewal

.com through the Openprovider plugin

# Explanation about Openprovider specific configuration. It is possible to define for every tld:
#	1. op_fields_to_send_<suffix> -> defines which fields to send as extension data. 
#		<suffix> can be letter c or letter d; c is for fields to be sent when creating contact, and d when registering a domain.
#		Value should be property names, separated with a comma(,).
#		Example: op_fields_to_send_c = vat,socialSecurityNumber,companyRegistrationNumber
#	2. op_condition_apply_<suffix> -> defines that there should be a condition applied for all the fields specified in op_fields_to_send_<suffix>
#		Value: Name of one of the contact properties
#		Example: op_condition_apply_c = country
#	3. op_condition_apply_<suffix>_<field> -> defines that there should be a condition applied for field <field> specified in op_fields_to_send_<suffix>
#		Value: Name of one of the contact properties. 
#		If left empty, field will be sent without condition(thus overriding any condition specified with op_condition_apply_<suffix> and op_condition_<suffix>)
#		Example: op_condition_apply_c_companyRegistrationNumber = org
#	4. op_condition_<suffix> -> specifies regex that should be applied to a field from op_condition_apply_<suffix>, before sending all of the fields.
#		Value: regex
#		Example: op_condition_c = ^SE$
#		this, together with 2. says that no fields should be sent unless country fulfils ^SE$ regex (which means country should be Sweden).
#	5. op_condition_<suffix>_<field> -> specifies regex that should be applied to a field from op_condition_apply_<suffix>_<field>, before sending <field> field.
#		Value: regex
#		Example: op_condition_c_companyRegistrationNumber = ^.+$
#		this, together with 3. says that companyRegistrationNumber should be sent only if org fulfils ^.+$ regex (means it shouldn't be empty).
#	6. op_copy_<suffix>_<field> -> specifies that value for the field <field> should be copied from a contact property.
#		Value: which contact property should be copied.
#		Example: op_copy_c_companyRegistrationNumber = orgno
#		puts orgno from contact into companyRegistrationNumber extension for contact
#	7. op_default_<suffix>_<field> -> defines default value to be sent for field <field>, when creating contact or domain (depends on <suffix>). 
#		This is used only if nothing was found in registry specific attributes, contact custom fields and op_copy_<suffix>_<field> was not defined (in that order).
#		Value: value to be sent by default, if nothing was found.
#		Example: op_default_d_useDomicile = true
#		this means that useDomicile will always be sent when registering domain. Value will be true if not set otherwise in other places. 

       name            = com
       registry_type   = openprovider

       supports_poll   = 0
	   dri_timeout     = 60
	   dri_remote_url  =
	   dri_username    = atomia
	   dri_password    = password

	   dri_driver      = Openprovider

	   global_contact_authinfo =

	   contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1
	   transfer_include_contacts = 1

	   periodic_registry_plugin_task = 0

	   initial_years = 1

	   domain_create_no_authinfo = 1
	   # Custom fields(extensions) for contact #
	   # Meaning: Copy value from orgno to: socialSecurityNumber ext. if org is empty; companyRegistrationNumber ext. if org is not empty. #
	   # Also, copy vatno into vat extension for contact. #
	   op_fields_to_send_c = vat,socialSecurityNumber,companyRegistrationNumber

       op_condition_apply_c_socialSecurityNumber = org
       op_condition_c_socialSecurityNumber = ^$
       op_copy_c_socialSecurityNumber = orgno

       op_condition_apply_c_companyRegistrationNumber = org
       op_condition_c_companyRegistrationNumber = ^.+$
       op_copy_c_companyRegistrationNumber = orgno

       op_copy_c_vat = vatno

               process_name    = .COM OP registration
               ratelimit       = 0
               handles         interactive
               handles         registration
               handles         renewal

.de through the Openprovider plugin

       name            = de
       registry_type   = openprovider

       supports_poll   = 0
	   dri_timeout     = 60
	   dri_remote_url  =
	   dri_username    = atomia
	   dri_password    = password

	   dri_driver      = Openprovider

	   global_contact_authinfo =

	   contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1
	   transfer_include_contacts = 1

	   periodic_registry_plugin_task = 0

	   initial_years = 1

	   domain_create_no_authinfo = 1

	   # Custom fields(extensions) for contact #
	   # Meaning: Copy value from orgno to: socialSecurityNumber ext. if org is empty; companyRegistrationNumber ext. if org is not empty. #
	   # Also, copy vatno into vat extension for contact. #
	   op_fields_to_send_c = vat,socialSecurityNumber,companyRegistrationNumber

       op_condition_apply_c_socialSecurityNumber = org
       op_condition_c_socialSecurityNumber = ^$
       op_copy_c_socialSecurityNumber = orgno

       op_condition_apply_c_companyRegistrationNumber = org
       op_condition_c_companyRegistrationNumber = ^.+$
       op_copy_c_companyRegistrationNumber = orgno

       op_copy_c_vat = vatno
	   # Custom fields(extensions) for domain #
	   # Meaning: Send useDomicile if contact country not DE. Defalt value to send: true #
	   # So, trustee services will be used for all contacts outside of Germany with this configuration #
	   op_fields_to_send_d = useDomicile
       op_condition_apply_d_useDomicile = country
       op_condition_d_useDomicile = ^((?!DE).)*$
       op_default_d_useDomicile = true

               process_name    = .COM DE registration
               ratelimit       = 0
               handles         interactive
               handles         registration
               handles         renewal

.com through the RRPProxy plugin

       name            = com
       registry_type   = rrpproxy

       supports_poll   = 0
       autorenew       = 0

       epp_timeout     = 60
       epp_hostname  =
       epp_port = 1700
       dri_username    = atomia_ote
       dri_password    = password

       dri_driver      = RRPProxy

       transliterate_contact = 1
       transfer_include_contacts = 1

        contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1

               process_name    = .COM RRPProxy registration
               ratelimit       = 0
               handles         interactive
               handles         registration
               handles         renewal
               handles         periodic

.se through the RRPProxy plugin

# Explanation about RRPProxy specific configuration. It is possible to define for every tld:
#	1. rrpproxy_fields_to_send_<suffix> -> defines which fields to send as extension data. 
#		<suffix> can be letter c or letter d; c is for fields to be sent when creating contact, and d when registering a domain.
#		Value should be property names, separated with a comma(,).
#		Example: rrpproxy_fields_to_send_c = nicse-vatid,forceduplication
#	2. rrpproxy_condition_apply_<suffix> -> defines that there should be a condition applied for all the fields specified in rrpproxy_fields_to_send_<suffix>
#		Value: Name of one of the contact properties
#		Example: rrpproxy_condition_apply_c = country
#	3. rrpproxy_condition_apply_<suffix>_<field> -> defines that there should be a condition applied for field <field> specified in rrpproxy_fields_to_send_<suffix>
#		Value: Name of one of the contact properties. 
#		If left empty, field will be sent without condition(thus overriding any condition specified with rrpproxy_condition_apply_<suffix> and rrpproxy_condition_<suffix>)
#		Example: rrpproxy_condition_apply_c_nicse-vatid = country
#	4. rrpproxy_condition_<suffix> -> specifies regex that should be applied to a field from rrpproxy_condition_apply_<suffix>, before sending all of the fields.
#		Value: regex
#		Example: rrpproxy_condition_c = ^SE$
#		this, together with 2. says that no fields should be sent unless country fulfils ^SE$ regex (which means country should be Sweden).
#	5. rrpproxy_condition_<suffix>_<field> -> specifies regex that should be applied to a field from rrpproxy_condition_apply_<suffix>_<field>, before sending <field> field.
#		Value: regex
#		Example: rrpproxy_condition_c_nicse-vatid = ^SE$
#		this, together with 3. says that nicse-vatid should be sent only if country fulfils ^SE$ regex (which means country should be Sweden).
#	6. rrpproxy_copy_<suffix>_<field> -> specifies that value for the field <field> should be copied from a contact property.
#		Value: which contact property should be copied.
#		Example: rrpproxy_copy_c_nicse-vatid = vatno
#		puts vatno from contact into nicse-vatid extension for contact
#	7. rrpproxy_default_<suffix>_<field> -> defines default value to be sent for field <field>, when creating contact or domain (depends on <suffix>). 
#		This is used only if nothing was found in registry specific attributes, contact custom fields and rrpproxy_copy_<suffix>_<field> was not defined (in that order).
#		Value: value to be sent by default, if nothing was found.
#		Example: rrpproxy_copy_c_forceduplication = 1
#		this means that forceduplication will always be sent when creating contact. Value will be 1 if not set otherwise in other places like contact custom fields. 

       name            = se
       registry_type   = rrpproxy

       supports_poll   = 0
       autorenew       = 0

       epp_timeout     = 60
       epp_hostname  =
       epp_port = 1700
       dri_username    = atomia_ote
       dri_password    = password

       dri_driver      = RRPProxy

       transliterate_contact = 1
       transfer_include_contacts = 1

       contact_id_generated_by_registry = 1
       rrpproxy_fields_to_send_c = nicse-vatid
       rrpproxy_copy_c_nicse-vatid = vatno

       rrpproxy_fields_to_send_d = nicse-idnumber
       rrpproxy_copy_d_nicse-idnumber = orgno

               process_name    = .SE RRPProxy registration
               ratelimit       = 0
               handles         interactive
               handles         registration
               handles         renewal
               handles         periodic

.se through the SE plugin

        name            = se
        registry_type   = se_epp

        supports_poll   = 1
        supports_dnssec = 1
        autorenew       = 1

        supports_sync   = 1
        sync_web_auth_url =
        sync_web_auth_user = webuser
        sync_web_auth_pass = webpass
        sync_web_export_url =

	epp_hostname    =
	epp_username    = EPP_USERNAME
	epp_password    = EPP_PASS
        epp_ssl_keyfile = /etc/se_key.pem
        epp_ssl_certfile = /etc/se_cert.pem
        epp_port        = 700
        epp_timeout     = 10
        dri_driver      = SE

        epp_login_service_filter = (urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:(domain|contact|host|secDNS)-1.0|urn:se:iis:xml:epp:iis-1.2)
                iis_extension_version = 1.2

                process_name    = .SE interactive
                ratelimit       = 40
                handles         interactive
                process_name    = .SE registration
                ratelimit       = 400
                handles         registration
                process_name    = .SE renewal
                ratelimit       = 40
                handles         renewal
                process_name    = .SE periodic
                ratelimit       = 0
                handles         periodic
                handles         local

.com through the Ascio plugin

        name = com
        registry_type = ascio
        supports_poll = 0
        autorenew = 0
        periodic_registry_plugin_task = 0
        type_specific_contacts = 1

        premium_domains_always_unavailable = 1

        #If premium_domains_always_unavailable option is set to 1, then domainreg will always return for a premium domain that it exists (even when it doesn't). 
        #If premium_domains_always_unavailable option is set to 0 or it doesn't exist, then domainreg will answer as usual. 

        ascio_aws_proxy =
        ascio_aws_username = USERNAME
        ascio_aws_password = PASSWORD

                process_name = .COM ASCIO registration
                ratelimit = 0
                handles interactive
                handles registration
                handles renewal
                handles periodic

TLD configuration flags that can be added to any plugin

skip_trace_when_fetching_dnssec_records [0,1] 0 An optional parameter which can be added to any TLD configuration. This flag determines whether the DIG Linux command will use +trace option or not. When this parameter is excluded or has a default value, the DIG command will use +trace option. When value for this flag is set to 1, DIG command will be executed without +trace option.
autoexpire_delay_seconds [positive integer] 0 An optional parameter which can be added to any TLD configuration. This flag determines how long to wait before retrying the autoexpire action again. The value is in seconds. If 0 is set or if the parameter is not used: there will be no or minimal delay.

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