Atomia Domain Registration

General configuration examples

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This configuration is not TLD based and is applied to Atomia Domain Registration as a whole.

Configuration properties


This property is used together with TLD specific config property supports_dnssec. If at least one TLD has the following set: supports_dnssec = 1 then hosted_dnssec_delegation_filter must also be set up. It’s used to filter domains that don’t have supported nameservers set for delegation. In other words, DNSSEC will be enabled only for domains with nameservers that are present in configured list. For example, it can be configured like this:

hosted_dnssec_delegation_filter =
hosted_dnssec_delegation_filter =

Useful tip

It’s possible to add as many nameservers as needed.


There are three configuration options that define Atomia DNS endpoint that will be contacted by the Domain Registration module when handling DNSSEC operations – atomiadns_soap_uri atomiadns_soap_username and atomiadns_soap_password. Example:

atomiadns_soap_uri = http://atomia_dns_api_IP/atomiadns
atomiadns_soap_username = atomiadns
atomiadns_soap_password = **********


It’s used to add a delay between spawning each TLD process in Atomia Domain Registration. The configuration is useful when the registrar has a limit on the speed of opening connections. It’s configured in seconds. Example:

proc_spawn_delay = 2


Used to specify how often Atomia Domain Registration core check if TLD process has finished executing a given transaction. It’s set in miliseconds. Example:

transaction_poll_frequency_microseconds = 100000


This property is optional and is used to change default transliteration for custom letters. To demonstrate this feature, we will use German characters in the following example. Default German character transliteration is done in the following way:

ä->a, ö->o, ü->u, Ä->A, Ö->O, Ü->U

For some regions it is more natural to so in the following way:

ä->ae, ö->oe, ü->ue, Ä->Ae, Ö->Oe, Ü->Ue

To change default transliteration, new property needs to be configured, and configuration needs to look like this:

transliteration_map = ä:ae,ö:oe,ü:ue,Ä:Ae,Ö:Oe,Ü:Ue

Transliteration map contains pairs of characters for every custom character which we want to change default transliteration . You need to follow strict rules while configuring pairs. These pairs are separated by a comma (,). Inside every pair, between custom character and character/characters in which is going to be transliterated, colon (:) is used.

transliteration_map is a global parameter in domainreg.config and it needs to be configured outside of TLD config. Beside transliteration_map property, to enable transliteration, transliterate_contact property needs to be set per TLD.

transliterate_contact = 1

Keep in mind

This is the only way how transliteration map should be configured. If the rules are not followed, transliteration will not work properly!

Database needs to be configured to use UTF8 encoding standard in order to fully enable this feature.

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