Cron jobs
The end user can add tasks (Cron jobs) that are regularly executed. All times displayed are local times and the end user can use checkmarks to enable or disable scripts.
Image 1: Managing Cron tasks.
Virtual directories
Virtual directories allows you to map folder URLs to a server path.
Image 2: Virtual directories overview.
SSL certificates
Depending on the configuration, SSL certificates can be used in the following ways:
- Create a self signed certificate, which creates HTTPS – but will produce a ‘warning’ message to visitors.
- Upload your own (valid) certificate.
- Buy a certificate.
In all three cases, any changes done through the User Panel will create necessary changes on the web server. If you choose to buy a certificate, Domain Validated type of certificate will be automatically installed for you. Extended validation and Organization validation will require manual checks.
Image 3: SSL certificates overview.