How to make PostgreSQL your database backend instead of Microsoft SQL Server.
Before you begin
Creating a new database user
- Install PostgreSQL on your server. Your server does not have to be a Windows server.
- Create a database user on the PostgreSQL server with administrator privileges.
- Create an empty database with your newly created user. Name it whatever you like.
- Your PostgreSQL server must support the following extensions. If you are using Ubuntu, you will have to install the postgresql-contrib package.
- If you are running your PostgreSQL server on another machine than the Atomia applications, you will have to configure PostgreSQL to allow remote connections. Read more about this here:
Configuring unattended.ini
The following settings needs to be done in the unattended.ini file. Place all the settings under the [General] section.
- Set both EnableMsSqlDeployment and EnablePostgreSqlDeployment to true to make the installer install on both your Microsoft SQL Server and your PostgreSQL server .
EnableMsSqlDeployment = true/false EnablePostgreSqlDeployment = true/false
- Add the following connection strings using the previously created user with administrator privileges, see Creating a new database user.
AddtConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=<your default database>;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; ActionTrailConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaactiontrail;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; AutomaionServerConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaprovisioning2;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; AccountConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaaccount;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; BillingConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiabilling;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; IdentityConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaidentity;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; UserManagementConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiausermanagement;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>;
- Set this option to make Action Trail tell that you are using PostgreSQL instead of Microsoft SQL Server.
ActionTrailLogDataAccessorType = Atomia.ActionTrail.Data.LogDataAccessorPostgreSql, Atomia.ActionTrail.Data ActionTrailAuditActionTypesDataAccessorType = Atomia.ActionTrail.Data.AuditActionTypesDataAccessorPostgreSql, Atomia.ActionTrail.Data
- Leave the following options empty, as they are needed to prevent the connection strings from using System.Data.SqlClient in Atomia Identity. Please note that it should be
IdentityProviderName =
with a space after the equal sign on both of the options.
- Leave the following options empty, as they are needed to prevent the connection strings from using System.Data.SqlClient in Atomia Identity. Please note that it should be
IdentityProviderName = UserManagementProviderName =
- These two settings tells Atomia Identity to use the PostgreSQL membership provider and role providers.
MembershipProviderType = pgProvider.pgMembershipProvider, pgProvider RoleProviderType = pgProvider.pgRoleProvider, pgProvider
- Set the following three options to let NHibernate know that you intend to use a PostgreSQL server. The NhibernatePrepareSql = false is needed since Atomia can’t use prepared SQL statements with our current version of .NET.
NhibernateDialect = NHibernate.Dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect NhibernateDriver = NHibernate.Driver.NpgsqlDriver NhibernatePrepareSql = false
- Make sure you have made all the following settings in the unattended.ini file.
[General] EnableMsSqlDeployment = false EnablePostgreSqlDeployment = true AddtConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=<your default database>;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; ActionTrailConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaactiontrail;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; AutomaionServerConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaprovisioning2;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; AccountConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaaccount;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; BillingConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiabilling;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; IdentityConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaidentity;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; UserManagementConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiausermanagement;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>; ActionTrailLogDataAccessorType = Atomia.ActionTrail.Data.LogDataAccessorPostgreSql, Atomia.ActionTrail.Data ActionTrailAuditActionTypesDataAccessorType = Atomia.ActionTrail.Data.AuditActionTypesDataAccessorPostgreSql, Atomia.ActionTrail.Data IdentityProviderName = UserManagementProviderName = MembershipProviderType = pgProvider.pgMembershipProvider, pgProvider RoleProviderType = pgProvider.pgRoleProvider, pgProvider NhibernateDialect = NHibernate.Dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect NhibernateDriver = NHibernate.Driver.NpgsqlDriver NhibernatePrepareSql = false
Installing applications
After completing the steps above, installation can be done. You need to install the database related applications in the following order:
- Atomia Setup Tools
- Atomia Action Trail
- Atomia Identity
- Atomia Automation Server
- Atomia Billing
- Make sure that you can connect to your PostgreSQL server with the connection string that is supplied in AddtConnectionString.
- Install the postgresql-contrib package if you are using Ubuntu.
- If an Atomia application is not used for a long time, the database connection will be idle and it can be closed by network equipment. You can add Keepalive=30; in the connection strings to prevent closing idle connections. For example, to enable it for the Atomia automation server, the connection string should look like this in the unattended.ini:
AutomaionServerConnectionString = Server=<your server>;database=atomiaprovisioning2;user id=<your username>;password=<your password>;Keepalive=30;