Start developing

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How to begin developing third-party integrations for the Atomia Cloud Hosting Platform and how to customize the Atomia system.


The Atomia Cloud Hosting Platform consists of several components, all with different roles. The multiple background components perform provisioning, different kind of billing actions, as well as integrations with third-party systems. The Atomia Platform also has several GUI components for administrators, support staff and end users.

Before you begin

If you are new to Atomia, start with getting to know the Atomia platform basics.

Atomia Atoms

To start developing Atomia Atoms, contact [email protected] to join our Atomia developer’s program. This gives you access to the Atomia Platform, and you also get the requirements for the development of it.

The Atomia system consists of a lot of different components, which take some time to install. To get started quickly, we recommend using our vagrant sandbox environment, located at: You can use this environment to develop and test newly created customizations or third-party integrations, as well as to explore the Atomia system.

Keep in mind

You must be granted access to the sandbox environment by Atomia. Please contact us for more information.

For more information about Git and how to download it for your operating system, please visit:

Developing customizations and third-party integrations by creating Atomia Atoms

Atomia Atoms is a brand new way of developing customizations and third-party integrations for the Atomia Platform. Atomia Atoms are building blocks for extending and adding services to the Atomia system, e.g. specific payment gateways, an SSL provider, a domain registrar service, an e-commerce platform or a website builder.

Using Atomia Atoms is beneficial in many ways:

  • A template generator is provided for all kind of plugins/modules/handlers you’ll need. No need to start with a blank project!
  • Finished Atoms can be reviewed and approved by Atomia.
  • Approved Atoms can be published on Atomia app store at: Here Atomia customers can download and use your created Atoms in their Atomia platform. This gives you a potential audience of millions.
  • By using Atoms when developing third-party service integrations, you get joint marketing with Atomia. So you don’t need to promote your developed Atom – we do it for you.

For more information about how to develop using Atomia Atoms, see Atomia Atoms – Get started.

To understand what kind of Atoms to use and where to place them in the Atomia system, see our documentation for different Atomia components:

Developing customizations and third-party integrations from scratch

Atomia Atoms is suitable in almost all customization of the Atomia system or creation of third-party integrations. But some development requests might be too case specific to use Atomia Atoms. This means that developers have to start with empty projects, and in most cases build their own classes by inheriting specific interfaces.

Before starting to develop any plugin, module or handler from scratch, please make sure it is not already supported. Check supported types in Atomia Atoms – Get started. And if it isn’t supported, you can always contact Atomia on [email protected] to check if there is a plan to support generation of a template for that type of Atom.

When creating customizations, it is important to implement them correctly so that they don’t cause negative side effects on the existing Atomia platform functionalities. Please learn more about this by reading the manuals for the concerned systems.

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