How secure is Atomia?

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The security measurements that ensures that Atomia is a safe system for your company.

Quality measurements

Our developers take security into consideration in every line of the code that they produce. Every single line of code produced by any developer also has to pass several checks by other developers. This way we make sure that no possible risks are being overseen. But since our system consists of so much code we also perform regular audits by third parties, just to be safe and to keep us on our toes.

Software security

Atomia relies on world proven technologies — our platform utilizes Apache, PHP, MySQL, Dovecot, Postfix, and other software. But we keep all of it original and only apply our changes to the configuration to avoid affecting the source code negatively in any way. If any critical bug in the software itself arises this allows us to patch it as soon as the patch becomes available. And as we deploy all of our services (yes, even the configuration settings) through the Atomia Installer it is a rather painless process to bulk update any number of servers running on your premises.

In addition to our bi-yearly software update releases we evaluate any potential threats daily. If we find any 0-day leaks we schedule them either for the near-immediate patching cycle or for the next bi-yearly release, depending on the impact of the leak.

Operating system security

We have established best practices regarding tightening the security on all of the operating systems Atomia requires for its operations. Therefore, when we perform an installation we make sure that only the bare necessities of the services are running. The services that are required are tightened to the needs of Atomia and its supporting services, making sure no unnecessary code or service remains active. If you perform the installation yourself we provide you with detailed documentation regarding how to perform the installation and which measures that should be taken into consideration during the installation.

Proactive monitoring

As a part of our Atomic support we also perform proactive monitoring on a vast amount of points. We want to make sure that your Atomia installation is not only safe, but also performing according to the standards. Any issue reported by our monitoring is picked up 24/7 by our technical staff to make sure that both your and your end customer’s services are running smoothly and uninterrupted.

Security of end customer services

Atomia’s sysdevs make sure that any services that are deployed for your end customers remain safe and sound. They also make sure that no noisy neighbors will arise within our clustered shared hosting and do some additional securing of databases by placing them in private network ranges (still manageable through centralized web application such as PHPMyAdmin), amongst other things.

All of the end customer’s exposed web services (such as webmail or PHPMyAdmin) are centralized as well. This allows us to always use latest version as there is only one instance that needs to be updated.

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