Configuring a task for resending bounced emails

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How to configure a scheduled task for resending bounced emails.


By configuring this task in Generic Workflow, you make sure that emails that have bounced to your [email protected] are detected and resent according to set rules.

Every mail sent by Atomia Billing has a header that identifies the mail. The mails sent to the configured mailbox are scanned for this identifier, and this data is used to locate the mails that need to be resent. It is possible to configure how the mails are resent, i.e. which contact to resend to and how. You can also configure whether the mails are to be moved to a separate folder or deleted afterwards.

Configuring a scheduled task for resending bounced emails

  1. Go to Admin Panel > Settings > Plugin configuration.
  2. Click Configure for Scheduled Tasks: Bounced Emails.
  3. Do your changes. Configuration of the IMAP details is mandatory.
  4. Click Save.

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