Adding a Payment Method to the Order Website

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How to add a payment method to the Order Website using PaymentMethodGuiPlugin, PaymentMethodForm, and PaymentDataHandler.


Payment plugins in AtomiaStore are counter-parts to payment plugins in Atomia Billing.

AtomiaStore payment plugins are made up of two parts:

  • Atomia.Store.AspNetMvc.Ports.PaymentMethodGuiPlugin – implementation that is responsible for presenting the payment method to the user and collecting any needed information.
  • Atomia.Store.PublicBillingApi.Handlers.PaymentDataHandler – implementation that amends the order or transaction (or both) that are sent to Atomia Billing.

Both PaymentMethodGuiPlugins and PaymentDataHandlers have an Id property that must match the GuiPluginNameproperty from Atomia.Billing.Core.Sdk.BusinessObjects.PaymentMethod in Atomia Billing.

The only payment methods presented to the user are those that are 1) available for the current reseller in Atomia Billing and 2) have an implemented PaymentMethodGuiPlugin with the same Id property registered with the DependencyResolver.

Similarly there must also be a registered PaymentDataHandler with matching Id to the PaymentMethodGuiPlugin that represents the payment method that the user has selected, or an exception will be thrown when the order is placed.

Implementing the PaymentMethodGuiPlugin

Implement by subclassing the abstract Atomia.Store.AspNetMvc.Ports.PaymentMethodGuiPlugin.

  • Id – a required property and should match the Atomia Billing payment method GuiPluginName.
  • Name – a required property and should return a human-readable localized name of the payment method.
  • Description – an optional override. It should return a human-readable localized description or instruction for the payment method. Defaults to returning empty string.
  • SupportsPaymentProfile – should return true if the corresponding payment plugin in Atomia Billing supports saving credit card information and automatic payments of invoices. Defaults to false.
  • Form – is for payment methods that require some additional data from the user (e.g. CCPayment and PayWithInvoice projects.) See more below.

Form Details

A form connected to a PaymentMethodGuiPlugin via the Form property must implement Atomia.Store.AspNetMvc.Ports.PaymentMethodForm. Like the PaymentMethodGuiPlugin itself it must have an Idproperty with the name of the payment method.

To make the form available in views it should be instantiated in the constructor of the PaymentMethodGuiPlugin.

When an available payment method is rendered in the Checkout/_PaymentMethods.cshtml view, it will be checked for an instantiated Form property, and if that exists try to render a partial for the form. The name of the partial view is by default “_{Id}”. This can be changed by overriding the PartialViewName property on the PaymentMethodForm. E.g. the CCPayment method has a form that is rendered by the Checkout/_CCPayment.cshtml view.

Implementing the PaymentDataHandler

The PaymentDataHandler is responsible for taking the user’s selected payment method and any related PaymentMethodForm data and populating the payment details on the order and/or payment transaction that is sent to Atomia Billing.

  • Id – a required property and should match the Atomia Billing payment method GuiPluginName.
  • PaymentMethodType – a required property and should return either PaymentMethodEnum.PayByCard or PaymentMethodEnum.PayByInvoice. Most plugins should use PaymentMethodEnum.PayByCard.

The actual amendment of payment transactions and/or orders happens in the AmendPaymentTransaction and AmendOrder methods, each of which can be overridden as needed. Both these methods should return the object (order or payment transaction) the have amended.

AmendOrder is currently only used by the PayWithInvoiceHandler.

AmendPaymentTransaction should be overridden by most PaymentDataHandlers. Commonly it will be used to set the ReturnUrl property on the transaction and add a CancelUrl attribute to the transaction. The latter can be done by using the SetCancelUrl helper method that is available to subclasses of PaymentDataHandler.

Common URLs, such as DefaultPaymentUrl and CancelUrl can be retrieved by using the currently registered Atomia.Store.Core.PaymentUrlProvider. DefaultPaymentUrl matches an action that can handle redirects from IHttpHandlers that are implemented by many of the existing Atomia Billing payment plugins to process redirects from payment gateways.

AmendPaymentTransaction takes an argument of type Atomia.Store.Core.PaymentData. This object contains an instance of any form the payment method uses. The form should be cast to the concrete implementation type before usage, see CCPaymentHandler for an example.

The PaymentData object also contains SaveCcInfo and AutoPay properties that contain the choices the user has made regarding saving the payment method info to their acccount and paying invoices automatically. The individual PaymentDataHandlers for each payment method do not need to handle this data. This is done in common for all payment methods by Atomia.Store.PublicOrderHandler.PaymentProfileHandler.

Other Payment Method Functionality

Some payment plugins might need to have some other sort of functionality apart from the PaymentMethodGuiPlugin, PaymentMethodForm, and PaymentDataHandler

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