Configuring separate username and email

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How to configure use of separate username and email address when signing up.



  1. Go to the Identity directory, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\Identity.
  2. Open the Web.config in the STS directory.
  3. Search for the string requiresUniqueEmail="true" and change it to requiresUniqueEmail="false".
  4. Repeat the steps above for the Web.config in the UserAPI directory as well.

Billing API

  1. Go to the Billing API directory, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingAPIs\BillingApi.
  2. Open Web.config.
  3. Search for the string separateUsernameAndEmail="false" and change it to separateUsernameAndEmail="true".

Admin Panel

  1. Go to the Admin Panel directory, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\AdminPanel.
  2. Open Web.config.
  3. Search for the string separateUsernameAndEmail="false" and change it to separateUsernameAndEmail="true".

Public Order Page

  1. Go to the Public Order Page directory, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\PublicOrderPage.
  2. Open Web.config.
  3. Search for the string separateUsernameAndEmail="false" and change it to separateUsernameAndEmail="true".


  1. Go to the Store directory, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\Store.
  2. Open the Web.config.
  3. Search for the string separateUsernameAndEmail="false" and change it to separateUsernameAndEmail="true".

Useful tip

For a permanent installation, create transformation files that performs the steps above.

Having completed the installation

After performing the tasks, an extra field called Username needs to be filled in when signing up from the Order Website.

Public Store

Image 1: Public Store.


Image 2: Store.

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