User Panel customizations

This page gives an introduction to customization of the UI components for the Atomia GUI applications.


The Atomia User Panel is the web interface all end users interact with to set up and manage their products and services in Atomia. But the Atomia User Panel is in fact installed as two applications: HostingControlPanel and BillingCustomerPanel. You need to apply a theme to both of these applications.

The Atomia User Panel markup and styles are architected to make it easy to do as many branding and design changes as possible by customizing and extending the default CSS. This means you have full control over the styling and branding of the User Panel. Atomia is a platform you can make make your own. 

Atomia Pattern Library

The reference guide for the Atomia User Panel styles is the Atomia Pattern Library. This is a so called living pattern library, which means that the CSS that is styling the UI components in the Atomia Pattern Library is the same CSS that is used to style the Atomia GUI applications when deployed.

Customizing the User Panels

Below we have listed some useful guides that will assist you in customizing the User Panel styles.

Getting Started with a Custom User Panel Theme

 360 views November 18, 2016 Saša Pešić 0

Custom views

 275 views December 2, 2016 Saša Pešić 0

Custom Branding and UI Design

 396 views December 2, 2016 Saša Pešić 1

Custom JavaScript Overview

 273 views December 2, 2016 Saša Pešić 0

Adding tracking code for services like Google Analytics

 149 views December 13, 2016 Saša Pešić 0

Extending Existing Atomia User Panel Views

 191 views January 27, 2017 Saša Pešić 0

Custom Translations

 198 views February 1, 2017 Saša Pešić 0