Viewing and resending e-mails sent to the customer

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How to view the list and info about all e-mails sent by the system to a specific customer in the Atomia Admin panel.


The Atomia system stores all e-mail messages that are sent to the customers. This feature allows listing of e-mail messages sent to a specific customer, as well as information about each e-mail. It is also possible to resend and preview existing e-mail messages.

Listing e-mail messages for the customer

The list of e-mail messages sent to the customer is available in Admin panel > Customer card > E-mails. The list offers the following information about the messages:

  • Current message status (Pending, Sent, Retry, Failed)
  • Recipient
  • Type of e-mail message
  • Subject
  • Date

Each message can be previewed by selecting Actions > Preview e-mail. Depending on the status of the message, it can be resent to the same recipient or sent to a different e-mail address.

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