Exporting and importing mail templates

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How to export, import and modify a selected number of mail templates in Atomia Admin.


The Atomia system uses mail templates stored in the database to generate and send different types of emails to customers. In the Atomia Admin panel, the administrator of the system can export all existing templates to a zip file. The file can be edited in preferred editor to change existing or to add new templates. The modified file can then be uploaded back into the system to update templates.

Before you begin

The export feature allows the administrator to download all templates in the zip archive. So in order to be able to edit them, an external application that supports working with the zip archive is needed. Use of a HTML editor is recommended for editing mail template contents.

Exporting mail templates

  1. Go to Admin panel > Settings > Mail templates > Export/import mail templates. Here all current mail templates in the system are displayed, along with last modification time and reseller/language combination.
  2.  Export templates by selecting one of the two options:
    1. Export: Export only selected mail templates from table.
    2. Export all: Export all mail templates that exist in the system.

The exported template zip archive

Both the Export and the Export all function provides a zip archive file with mail templates. The archive file has a folder for each template type. Each folder has two sub-folders inside: one for mail template subject and one for body content. Both of these folders have files named after reseller and language for the template. The names have the following format: [reseller_id]_[language].[extension]

Extension for subject templates is txt, while for body template it’s HTML. The content in the file is the content of the corresponding mail template.

Importing mail templates

  1. Go to Admin panel > Settings > Mail templates > Export/import mail templates.
  2. When you have made your changes to existing mail templates or have added the new ones, pack them in a zip archive that has the same structure as the export zip file.
  3. The newly created zip can be uploaded by using the Upload button in the Import mail templates section.
  4. When the system processes the file, it will display a list of the new and modified mail templates. It also displays any templates with errors. Next to each valid mail template, there are fields for tag, description, type and number of lines. Once everything is filled in, click the Perform actions button to implement all the listed changes.

Editing mail templates directly in the Admin Panel

  1. Go to Admin Panel > Settings > Mail templates.
  2. Select the mail template you wish to edit.
  3. Change the contents of the mail template.
  4. Select Save.

Template types

For detailed descriptions of the available template types and their placeholders, see templates.

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