How to export, import and modify a large number of products using the products tool.
Before you begin
The product export and import template files are saved as Microsoft Excel .xlsx files. Some of Excel’s advanced features are used for the document generation. Therefore, Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer is required.
Exporting products
- Go to Admin panel > Products > Products > Export/import products.
- Select Export to export all products from Admin panel into .xlsx file.
Image 1: Products export and import.
Export products file meta data description
The export file consists of the following tabs and columns:
Basic data – basic data for products
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Provisioning service – provisioning service used for product provisioning
- Package configuration – configuration for package in a case when PackageConfiguration option is selected for provisioning service
- Provisioning allowed – option when service provisioning starts depending on payment and credit status
- Product category – category of product
- Tax 1 – first tax applied on product price
- Tax 2 – second tax applied on product price
- Tax 2 invoiced amount + previous tax – first tax is taken into account when calculating second tax or not
- Fixed price – product with fixed prices
- Recurring – product is paid on defined period of time or not
- Usage based price – product with prices based on usage of resources
- Re-provision – re-provisioning of product is done on start of each renewal period
- Renew with product – product to which current will be changed on first renewal
- Renew on separate invoice – a separate invoice will be created for product renewal
- Delivery date – product delivered on start or end of renewal period
- Deferred revenue – subject to deferred revenue in accounting or not
- Initial item status – initial status of order with product
- Align with main subscription – synchronize next renewal date with main subscription renewal date along with price adjustment
- Allow auto credit if provisioned – perform auto credit even when subscription is provisioned
- Auto credit – perform auto credit on terminated subscriptions
- Force renewal – perform renewal even if account is pending termination
- Discontinued expire action – action performed when subscription is no longer recurring
- Not paid expire action – action performed when when subscription is not paid
- Renewing allowed type – allow renew with or without payment
- Upgrading allowed type – allow upgrade with or without payment
- Termination notice period – how many days ahead to notice customer about account termination for main subscription
- Name [language] – name of product for specific language
- Description [language] – description of product for specific language
Properties – products properties
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Name – name of property
- Value – value of property
Fixed prices – products fixed prices definition
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Reseller – reseller for which price is applied
- Renewal period value – value of how often product should be renewed
- Renewal period type – type (month or year) of how often product should be renewed
- Price [currency] – regular price of product for specific currency
- Reseller price [currency] – reseller price of product for specific currency
Usage based prices – products usage based prices definition
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Counter id – unique id for product counter
- Measurement unit – number of units for which price will be defined
- Counter name [language] – name for product counter for specific language
- Counter description [language] – description for product counter for specific language
- Unit name [language] – name for counter unit for specific language
Ranges – usage based prices counter ranges
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Counter id – unique id for product counter
- Range id – unique id for counter range
- Range from – counter range from limit
- Range to – counter range to limit
- Range name [language] – counter range name for specific language
Range prices – usage based prices counter range prices definition
- Article number – unique article number for product
- Counter id – unique id for product counter
- Range id – unique id for counter range
- Reseller – reseller for which price is applied
- Price [currency] – price for counter range for specific currency
Importing products
- Use an export file or the template file to import products and metadata. Download a template file from the Admin panel by selecting Template. Both the export file and the template file contain the tabs and columns described in Export products file meta data description.
Image 2: Ordering domain reactivation.
- To modify existing products, fill in Article number column with existing product article number.
- Fill in required meta data in the columns. Grey fields are not mandatory. Some columns contain a dropdown list of possible values for the field.
- If you need to add new rows to the file, select Insert row.
- Select Upload to upload the products and import their metadata to the system. The system will detect any invalid products and display them in the file. All new and modified products that uploaded file contains. Also, for modified products, modified fields will be available in details view, as well as invalid fields for invalid products.
- Select Perform actions to execute the listed actions in the system.