Configuring invoice custom attributes

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How to configure the list of invoice custom attributes that are displayed in the User Panel.

Configuring invoice custom attributes

  1. Open the Atomia.Web.Plugin.BillingCustomerPanel.Invoice.dll.config configuration file. It contains a list of predefined attributes within invoiceConfigurationSection:
  2. <invoiceCustomAttributes>
      <!-- Set format to one of the following: String, Date, DateTime -->
      <invoiceCustomAttribute value="AutopayDate" format="Date"/>
      <invoiceCustomAttribute value="CardType" format="String"/>
      <invoiceCustomAttribute value="Last4Digits" format="String"/>
      <invoiceCustomAttribute value="TransactionId" format="String"/>
      <invoiceCustomAttribute value="TransactionTimestamp" format="DateTime"/>
  3. Configure the predefined attributes. The attribute format can be one of the following:
    1. String – Plain text value of attribute, without any formatting.
    2. Date – Formats attribute value as short date.
    3. DateTime – Formats attribute value as date and time.

Useful tip

One of the predefined formats can be set as an attribute value. Attributes can also be given descriptions in supported languages.

When attributes are displayed in the User Panel, attribute names are used as key for translations defined in resource files for PreviewInvoiceControl view located in Themes\ThemeName\Views\Invoice\App_LocalResources folder. For predefined attributes it looks as following:

<data name="AutopayDate" xml:space="preserve">
  <value>Auto-payment date</value>
<data name="CardType" xml:space="preserve">
  <value>Card type</value>
<data name="Last4Digits" xml:space="preserve">
  <value>Last 4 digits</value>
<data name="TransactionId" xml:space="preserve">
  <value>Transaction ID</value>
<data name="TransactionTimestamp" xml:space="preserve">
  <value>Transaction time</value>

Preview of example configuration

The above given configuration looks like below when displayed in User Panel > Home > Invoices > View Invoices.
Invoice preview with formatted custom attributes

Image: Invoice preview with formatted custom attributes.

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