The server adhears to the DynDNS protocol and can communicate with any DynDNS update client. However, most clients have the DynDNS service URL hardcoded.
It is your responsible to provide an appropriate software solution to your customers. We assembled here a list of clients suitable for your use:
phalangula | New BSD License | Just change server entry in config file. | Command line client only, written in .net. Uses SSL by defaut. |
Cydonia | GNU GPL v2 | Change the hardcoded url inorg\cydonia\engines\DynDNS.java , recompile and make it available to your customers. |
Simple cross platform command line program. No SSL support by default. |
DynDNS Simply Client | Other (no source code available) | Server can be configured in the GUI | Only supports HTTP on port 80, no SSL support. |
The feature has no corresponding GUI in HCP. It will accept any update requests for any subdomain of a domain the user ownes, or even for the domain itself. If the subdomain does not exist, it will be created. The domain can even be used for a website. It does not allow the client the update a subdomain that alreadly exists and is managed through HCP.
The user must provide the same username and password he uses to log in to HCP.
Testing the service
The functioning of the service can be tested with this curl command.
curl -s --user 'user:password' \\ "http://{IP}:8245/nic/update?hostname=xyz.mydomain.com&myip=youripaddress"
User and password must match the user’s HCP login. The user must own mydomain.com. The IP address can be left out. In that case the IP address from which the user connects will be used.